Thinkpad Keyboard L470 GB
ARTNR DEL2024244
Thinkpad Keyboard L470 GB
ARTNR DEL2024244
Thinkpad Keyboard T470s CH
ARTNR DEL2024260
Thinkpad Keyboard L470 US/I
ARTNR DEL2024245
Thinkpad Keyboard T470s GB
ARTNR DEL2024261
Thinkpad Keyboard L470 ES
ARTNR DEL2024246
Thinkpad Keyboard T470s IL
ARTNR DEL2024262
Thinkpad Keyboard L470 FR
ARTNR DEL2024247
Thinkpad 13 2nd / T470s SWE/FI
ARTNR DEL2024263
Thinkpad Keyboard L470 DE
ARTNR DEL2024248
Thinkpad Keyboard T470s BE – BL
ARTNR DEL2024265
Thinkpad Keyboard L470 GB ARTNR DEL2024244
Thinkpad Keyboard T470s CH ARTNR DEL2024260
Thinkpad Keyboard L470 US/I ARTNR DEL2024245
Thinkpad Keyboard T470s GB ARTNR DEL2024261
Thinkpad Keyboard L470 ES ARTNR DEL2024246
Thinkpad Keyboard T470s IL ARTNR DEL2024262
Thinkpad Keyboard L470 FR ARTNR DEL2024247
Thinkpad 13 2nd / T470s SWE/FI ARTNR DEL2024263
Thinkpad Keyboard L470 DE ARTNR DEL2024248
Thinkpad Keyboard T470s BE – BL ARTNR DEL2024265